Hi there!
I am Skull Sir :)
Also known as John
I used to work in
Online Broadcasting
Esports Commentating
Welcome to my Hub
Hi there!
I am Skull Sir :)
Also known as John
I used to work in
Online Broadcasting
Esports Commentating
Welcome to my Hub
For over a decade I've been heavily invested in Esports & Gaming. I have worked with many companies throughout my career, such as: University Esports UK (previously known as The NUEL), EGL.tv, NLC, and University Esports Masters.
Since 2012 Skull Sir Media, was actively publishing videos and involved in many projects on Twitch and YouTube. There have been some fun projects and other challenging ones. As of 2024, Skull Sir Media and every other aspect of the Skull Sir brand are now closed for business. Do be careful with social media accounts posing as "skullsir" as the username does not belong to "Skull Sir" anymore.